Wednesday 3 April 2024

THE BUNKER - Alfa Zone/Rogue Stars Project (Part One)

 Over the Easter break I have finally taken the plunge and started a project that I have been thinking about for many many years. I have been collecting bits and bobs at Bring & Buy sales, eBay and various other places for a long time with this project in mind. After a false start a few years ago I have finally got a plan mainly thanks to my good friend and wargaming buddy Richard C introducing me to Rogue Stars and then later coming across Zone Alfa. 

So here goes. First up is a collection of bits from Ainsty Castings and Actual Size Miniatures (eBay) that I have been collecting over the years plus a few more recent purchases from the same suppliers.

Two Nuka Cola machines from Actual Size Miniatures. Fantastic little additions. Obviously Fallout inspired. These will take pride of place in the Barracks area.

Nice detail on the reverse of the models.

Again from Actual Size Miniatures. This is part of a set of 4 similar items. Bill at Actual Size has very kindly done me 4 extra of these as I plan to use them throughout the Bunker as a communication system.

All Actual Size apart from the cupboard unit which is from Ainsty Castings.

Beds and chairs are from Scotia Grendel.

Table and chairs from Scotia Grendel.

Good view of the added Nuka Cola bottle in the machine.

Some scatter terrain rubbish piles for the entrance to the Bunker. Again mostly Actual Size.

Computer Room WIP with Ainsty Castings. Not sure where the bookcase is from, possibly Fenris Games.

The walls are made from 10mm Insulation Foam for underneath laminate floor painted up to resemble concrete slabs. The floor is an offcut of roofing felt that came with a small bike shed. The roll was enormous and after using what I needed for the shed roof I have a load left. 

That's it for Part One. Thanks for looking and hopefully Part Two will be along soon. More walls and scatter pieces.