New Year, New Project!
One of my projects for 2025 is to paint up a load of 28mm Napoleonics for Sharp Practice that I have been buying over the last couple of years. A while ago I took advantage of a sale at Steve Barber Models and bought a load of figures for a Sharp Practice project, inspired by "The Frontier Sea - The Napoleonic Wars in the Adriatic" by Dave Watson (aka The Balkan Wargamer). It's a great book with a very useful section at the end for wargamers interested in gaming in the Adriatic. Along with the figures for this project I also bought some of the Serbian Napoleonic Infantry as I thought they might come in useful for some Sharp Practice games set in the fictional Black Sea country of Andreivia created by my good friend and fellow wargamer Richard C (Steel Lard Organiser). Richard has run many games set in Andreivia from Ancients to Modern and many of us have been involved in these games for over ten years!
First up are three bases for my Serbian Napoleonic Sharp Practice force.