Wednesday, 12 April 2017

TERRAIN - 20mm Pontoon Bridge

Picked this up from a local Charity Shop and assembled it and gave it a quick paint job this morning. Not sure I'll ever use all of it, but one section plus the ramps make a great bridge. Probably scratchbuild a couple more ramps to go with the other bridge section.

The Costa Verde Defence Force cross the pontoon bridge

CVDF vehicles head out on patrol

The whole bridge assembled

Another view of the two sections and two ramps. Will scratchbuild two extra ramps as this will mean I have two usable bridges


  1. I have one to make up too. I think the bridge need more pontoons to be realistic. I'm tempted to build a wide river section using the two ramps, one span and all of the pontoons. I could then use the spare span for a smaller bridge.

    1. I'm not sure how many pontoons the kit was supposed to have as the box was open. I think it was five and there were only four in the box I got from the Charity Shop. I agree with you Richard, which is why I have not glued the pontoons on as they clip nicely to the main bridge section so I could use three or four on the one section and then maybe make another four pontoons for the other section.

    2. How about this for the extra piece?

  2. Looking good. Nice effective paint job and the size is just right for the table top. Should span the Kiel Canal tiles nicely.

    Cheers, Andy

  3. Thanks Andy, that's the Kiel Canal in the pictures. Works well and once I have made the extra ramps I will have two useful bridges.

    Cheers. Richard P
