Tuesday, 21 May 2024

THE BUNKER - Alfa Zone/Rogue Stars Project (Part 3)

I'm lucky in that three times a year there is a very good wargames tabletop sale not that far from me. I usually book a table and sell my wares which keeps me busy but I always try and make time for a wander round to see what bargains can be unearthed under the mountains of Warhammer! 

The last one was at the beginning of May and was very busy but after the initial rush I managed to find time to grab a bacon and sausage sandwich and head off for a quick scan of the other stalls to see if there was anything suitable for my current projects. One stall was selling a lot of old MDF buildings, mostly 15mm, but buried among them was a bag containing two sets of the Red Vectors 28mm Sci Fi Doors currently available from the marvelous chaps over at Pendraken. So this meant I now had six double doors and six single doors to add to the Bunker Project. 

After assembly I noticed there was slight damage to the keypad on one of the single doors but after painting them up it just looks like a damaged keypad. Maybe a stray shot destroyed the panel? 

So now I have twelve doors ready to go. 

Six double doors complete with added rust. The keypad and little screen are a great addition to an otherwise very simple design.

Six single doors again with added rust. The door bottom right has the damaged keypad and I just painted what buttons were available on the panel. 

As always thanks for looking.

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

THE BUNKER - Alfa Zone/Rogue Stars Project (Part Two)

A quick update on the Bunker project. A couple of rooms starting to take shape and some ideas for future areas for the Bunker.

L-R Two computer stations made from computers from Ainsty Castings plinths with added Actual Size Miniatures computers. Ice machine, washing machine and fridge again from Actual Size Miniatures.

Idea for another room is a small workshop complete with lathe, milling machines and pillar drills. All from Anyscale Models.

Rough idea for a room layout. Plan is to add a couple of workbenches.

Two completed wall sections for Computer Room A showing the doors I have decided on from Blotz.

Computer Room A starting to take shape. The flooring is some left over roofing felt from a bike shed.

Another view of Computer Room A.

Computer Room A again showing the Blotz door which I'm really pleased with as I think they match the feel of the Bunker.

WIP Hover Truck from Oshiro Models. I have a trailer section for this as well. Going for the industrial yellow scheme.

Another corridor section added.

Computer Room A leading out into the new corridor section.

As always thanks for looking.